Daniel Meeks

Video Editing

Elf Goes Around The World

Short video made for a 2nd grade class to introduce daily topics about Christmas Around the World.

Used: Adobe Premiere Pro, Panasonic G7

30 Years of the Senate's reading of Washington's Farewell Address (1988-2020)

Began on February 22, 1862, Citizens of Philadelphia petitioned Congress to read Washington's Farewell Address in both the House and the Senate. Every year since, the Senate has observed Washington's Birthday by selecting one of its members, alternating parties, to read the address. C-Span begin live video coverage of the Senate in June 2, 1986. Using these broadcast, this video includes clips of every Senator who read Washington's Farwell Address from 1988 to 2020 edited together into one video.

Used: Adobe Premiere Pro

Music Videos

Auto Video Editor

The Auto Video Tracker program takes a 4K video source and trackes a speaker and automatically creates a 720p tracking shot. When the speaker moves fast enough that the tracking shot could make views motion sick, the camera zooms out to show an overview shot untill the speaker stops moving.

Python, OpenCV

Announcments/Slide Show motion graphics